Bodrum Linens
Since 1994, Bodrum Linens has supplied premier quality Turkish linens and easy-care vinyl placemats. Bodrum Linens are woven on state-of-the-art looms and dyed or printed using only the highest quality materials and their easy-care placemats are made from high quality, 100% phthalate-free vinyl . All finishing is done by highly skilled artisans who take extra pride in their craft.
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203 products
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Bodrum Linens Confetti Linen Napkins, Set of 4 From $49.99 /Blue NavyPurple BlueRed MarigoldGreen GrassTurquoise Green
Bodrum Linens Wicker Placemats, Set of 4 From $49.99 /DelftTomatoPumpkinGrassCreamNavyGrayChocolate
Bodrum Linens Crystal Bauble Napkin Rings, Set of 4 From $34.99 /GoldSilverRed & WhiteRed & Green
Bodrum Linens Pearls Linen Napkins, Set of 4 $140.00 /WhiteSilverGoldWillowCeladonNavyBlackRed Green
Bodrum Linens Skate Napkin Rings, Set of 4 From $72.00 /OysterBlackIce BlueAntique GoldRose GoldRose
Bodrum Linens Riviera Linen Napkins, Set of 4
$108.00From $49.99 /Dusty RoseMagentaPure WhiteOff-WhiteCeladonWillowChartreuseGrassKiwiForestPowder BlueIcebergTurquoiseIndigoPeriwinkleNavyButterscotchTangerinePaprikaRoseMauvePoppy RedBurgundyPlumTanTobaccoPebblePetrolGunmetalBlack -
Bodrum Linens Skate Placemats, Set of 4 From $79.99 /WillowRosePearlIce BlueOysterRose GoldAntique GoldGrayNavyBlackCharcoalChampagne
Bodrum Linens Presto Placemats, Set of 4
$99.00From $49.99 /New GrassForestCeladonBlackPure WhiteCharcoalOatmealTobaccoNavyPeriwinkleAntique WhiteRed -
Bodrum Linens Luster Placemats, Set of 4
$153.00From $69.99 /BirchSandGraniteSmokeIce BlueGoldNavy -
Bodrum Linens Celtic Placemats, Set of 4 $144.00 /Sand BirchSmoke GraniteSmoke GrayGold BirchIce Blue GraniteNavy Ice Blue
Bodrum Linens Skate Coasters, Set of 4 $60.00 /GrayPearlIce BlueOysterNavyCharcoalBlackAnt. Gold
Bodrum Linens Picot Linen Napkins, Set of 4 From $79.99 /White/NavyWhite/RedPeriwinkle/WhiteWhite/BeigeRed/Evergreen
What We Love About Bodrum Linens
Since 1994, Bodrum Linens has supplied premier quality Turkish linens and easy-care vinyl placemats. Bodrum Linens are woven on state-of-the-art looms and dyed or printed using only the highest quality materials and their easy-care placemats are made from high quality, 100% phthalate-free vinyl. All finishing is done by highly skilled artisans who take extra pride in their craft.
Our Favorite Bodrum Linens Products
Among their best sellers are the Bodrum Linen Skate Coasters, a functional yet stylish design that keeps your tables clean. Discover a color that perfectly complements your home, whether it's Navy, Gold, Ice Blue, or so much more. These practical and versatile coasters also double as a great gift for your favorite host. Bodrum Linens also allows you to add a fresh and contemporary look to your tablescape with their Celtic Placemats, offered in a range of neutral colors to match any home. The sophisticated and detailed design of these placemats brings a contemporary flair to your tabletop. Enhance your table's aesthetic by complementing it with Spruce Linen Napkins and Laurel Leaf Napkin Rings, achieving a beautiful and complete setup suitable for any meal.